These are all excellent comments and suggestions. I really appreciate the input.
I've heard that these sort of issues are common with PMs, but we shouldn't stand for it. What has happened to me is really a small matter overall. If I'm not reimbursed, I will be out about $2,400 when all is said and done, but it's the principle that this mom and pop company is blatently ripping off owners of the 135 houses and apartment buildings they manage. They handled three houses for me and in addition to this reconditioning situation, I've noticed that in the last several months I've been nickeled and dimed for leaky toilets, cielings, mailbox repairs, etc. Now I am investigating to find out if the repairs are legit.
So far, on the move out issue, I have two vendors who have confirmed that at the least, I've been overcharged. They are to confirm with me today that they were never actually hired to work on my property to begin with.
The contract with the PM does not mention anything regarding thier right to create vendor invoices or change prices. Only that they have the authorization to hire, supervise and discharge services and independent contractors for repairs/maintenance necessary.
I'm relatively new to rental ownership (3 years) so I suppose this goes with the learning curve. In the end, I will be talking to a lawyer, but instead of passing it off to someone who will charge me up the wazoo to investigate, I'm doing as much legwork myself so that in addition to saving money, I may also learn some ideas that will prevent me from getting ripped off in the future.
Thanks again. Any other ideas or comments are welcome, especially if they involve statutes or laws regarding fraud.