Thanks for the reply Tim. To add more clearity, I would like to build homes. Mid raises to start.
The inital startegy I am thinking about is buying a home on a large lot already zoned for intensification. Then renting that home while I work with an engineer/architect for the designs. Then pre sell the units so I can have the down payment for the construction loan. I think i understand the process from a theory stand point.
But I know developmemt is a very involved process so will be difficult to execute with my 9-5.
So should I first get a home and airbnb for cash flows and build equity. That should be enough for me to leave my job and focus on executing development. But I get moxed messages some recommend going straight for the goal and don't waste time with the airbnb.
I know I will need to borrow to finance any of these ideas. But I wondering which is the right play to focus on. Its very easy to get lost in all the noise for real estate startegies. So I am wondering how most developers got started. I'm 25 so I am in no rush as long I'm taking steps towards the goal of construction residential mid raises to start off.