This is just my experience regarding this topic....I've been an investor for quite awhile in Colorado. Two years ago I decided to go with Real Estate Express because I found a big course discount through one of those discount shopping sites.
At the time, I was considering VanEd or the like, based on referrals from friends the eventually became real estate agents. Though I saved a lot of course money by signing up with RE Express, I found inconsistencies in the course work. Some of the answers in my section quizzes were not lined up with the coursework subject and some of the study material and resulting recent CO real estate rulings did not seem up to date. This was quite consistent for the many months that I was online corresponding and booking my time for the school.
I will say that the follow up and service call backs were timely and helpful. I chose to bail on these lessons 90% of the way through the course after beginning to see how the real estate governing body has controlling oversight and accountability over each agent- and rightly so. I decided to continue to work as an investor-only and choose the path of least resistance and comfort at my old age.
I'm not here to destroy Real Estate Express. This was my experience in an attempt to find an affordable real estate study course. I'm sure they've helped a lot of people over the years. Hope my comments are helpful.