I found a new tenant for my property . Upon signing the lease she provided me with a security deposit . She did not have the security deposit so she had to get a check from her mom . One week later it's almost time for her to move in and she texted me letting me know that she did not have all of the prorated rent . Note that I said prorated rent . She wanted to pay $79 of it on the 15th . To me that's a huge red flag. Firrst she could not pay the security deposit, and then she could not pay first month prorated rent . She has not moved in yet I informed her that I was not comfortable with having her as a tenant any longer. Long story short I wanted to return the security deposit, and find a new tenant. She sent me a picture of part of her lease agreement and said I was breaching a contract . She said can sue me if she so chooses . My question is can I have her sign something that states our contract is null and void upon return of security deposit?