Hi everyone! After searching this sight for "mushrooms" I came upon this thread. I have the worst tenants I've had in 20 years. They are demanding, irrational and contentious. I'm usually better at picking them, honest! They were in HOA Violation for 3 months, due to underwatering, and per the Lease Addendum, I invoked my right to take over the landscaping and have them pay me, instead of their landscaper, who they weren't delegating to, or didn't want to pay extra for more than "mowing" since the rates doubled here in Vegas. Since I've taken over, they send me "demand emails" for silly things like the sprinklers pointing in the wrong direction (which can be adjusted when and if they see this/ and could be from their dogs or children), emergency texts - requests for ME to pay the "excessive water usage" charge on their water bill - in Vegas, now unavoidable for homes that haven't yet been converted to desert landscaping, and the latest one - "have your landscaper address the mushroom growth" problem, which just sprouted up due to heavy rains and the property being in the shade. I am converting to turf, but not until they are about to leave, I won't be inviting them to renew their lease. Just wonderiing if anyone here knows of any "liability" issues I may have if these "so called" poisonous mushrooms (which they haven't yet identified to be) in the yard are cause for them to "sue" me for not taking immediate action to remove. I sent them a link with a non-chemical alternative method to use a less harmful way to get rid of them, and suggested they take one to a nursery to see if they actually ARE dangerous, advised to supervise their child and dogs, just like they would in a local park, but I'm not about to run back and forth to the property everytime a naturally-occuring plant pops up on the lawn.