I'm new in the sense of I've been researching and becoming more educated for the last 6months, but haven't done any deals yet.
My reason why is my family and my love of learning and then dominating. I have a 2-year-old daughter and an 8mo old son. I want to give them time, attention, and of course, a solid foundation of knowledge that I didn't have so they can build their own life and accomplish their goals. On top of that, I think to myself by the time they may or may not want to go to college my in-laws and my parents will probably be entering that point in there lives where they'll need additional care. I want to give back to them for all that they did for my Wife and me.
I'm having a hard time starting out, mostly because I have two concerns... Oregon supposedly not being a good place to invest and market cycle timing. Seems like we maybe are approaching the top of the market? Not knowledge-based other than the prices I see and how long it has been since the last contraction.
In either case, I'm looking to build my team and keep moving towards my goals. Glad that there are some good folks close to me as I'm just across the river in Aurora.
@Brian Bradley -I will want to talk with you further about asset protection and my situation as well because I want to make sure I get started in the best possible way.
@Jay Hinrichs - Thanks for constantly spitting great info. Hope to someday work with you in some capacity.
Also are you guys doing meetups in Wilsonville or close by. I really want to jump into this. I'm not a super social person but understand you can't build success alone.
Thank you.