Thanks for the feedback everyone!
@Derrick Dill - this is what my house hack scenario looked like...but at a much higher purchase price.
@Ben Leybovich - I've read two of your three part(?) blog series on Luxury House Hacking. Not quite sure what Luxury House Hacking is, but I am eagerly anticipating more details which you mentioned would come next (is it Airbnb based on what @Matt R. mentioned?). Thanks for keeping me in suspense.
@Ali Boone - I attended the 8/12 BP event in Santa Monica, but didn't get a chance to introduce myself after the meeting - you were in a couple of simultaneous conversations that I didn't want to interrupt. I'm definitely interested to see what numbers you're working with on your out-of-state, turnkey rentals as a point of comparison. It's worth mentioning-especially being new-I am favoring more value-add versus yield-based opportunities so I can see what kinds of mistakes I'll make. Let's chat!
@Ray Lai - Thanks for the response. The more I research FHA, the more off-putting it seems especially with requirements including a monthly lifetime MIP and upfront 1.75% MIP. Plus I want to take advantage of the good credit score I have. Perhaps a lender would be able to steer me in the right direction here. It's funny that you mentioned dipping into retirement accounts for the down payment, since this is something I've considered. I do have access to more funds via 401k and ROTH IRA, but, ideally, I'd like to not go there.