Winter weather property dilemma: I am ready to invest in a Level 2 EV charger that can be used by any tenant in my triplex. As is typical in older Indiana properties, there are no garages, only outdoor, off-street gravel parking lots, which are shared by all tenants. (This gravel-parking-lot set up is great for the intense rain, winter snow, high winds, and the large-size pickup trucks everyone drives here.) After a year of researching, reading reviews and speaking with local electricians, I am frustrated that I am ready to deploy the dollars, have the electrical panel capacity, but cannot find a charging solution that meets my needs. Any recommendations?
Must have:
1. A great company that will actually service the charging unit in case of problems.
2. A company with a good end-user experience and positive reviews. (The most advertised names seem to have seriously poor service/customer support.)
3. An outdoor charger that can withstand rain, snow, sun, etc.
4. A charger that is safe to use if you and your vehicle are both standing in the pouring rain, in the dark, after a long day at work, and you need to plug in to power. (No wimpy carport thing will work here. Our winds will easily pick it up and toss that thing across the street and land it on my neighbor's roof.)
5. One charger that can allow for multiple users to each pay for their power usage.