We are seasoned Airbnb hosts and long-term landlords who are pivoting to monthly rentals. Our first bite was ALE solutions, a relocation agency who contracts with Liberty Mutual to locate properties for displaced claimants. The claimants need a place for 6-8 months. ALE, who actually pays the rent, wanted us to sign a 6 mo. lease. We stated we only do month-to-month. They agreed to that.
After doing background and reference checks we drafted and signed a month-to-month lease with the claimants (tenants) as required by ALE. Tenants don't appear to be high risk, though they do have 3 cats. The terms are great, with a large non-refundable cleaning/pet fee and generous rental rate. HOWEVER.....
Today I get a "Payment Letter of Commitment" from ALE that I am supposed to sign. It states this: "All extensions will renew on a month to month basis at the same rate with ALE Solutions, Inc having the first right of refusal." What does "first right of refusal" mean in this case? Does it mean that if we want tenants out before ALE does, they have power to negate that action?
Then this statement: "To the extent that the Lease terms are inconsistent with the terms of this Payment Letter of Commitment, the terms set forth herein shall control." So ALE terms supercede whatever is in our lease agreement. Are we losing control of our property?
Am I understanding this correctly?