If you don't start out with a hard money lender, and you are looking to rehab, what are your other options if you don't have 100% cash? Traditional financing, maybe, if the property qualifies and you qualify.
But, iIt's a numbers game. Call up hard money lenders and get their terms. Find a good one recommended by other investors. LOTS of investors use hard money and good local lenders will also find deals for their clients.
When you know their terms, combine that with what you have for down payment or cash and you will know your price point. Hopefully it is realistic.
It's all a numbers game. If the numbers don't work, try something else. If that doesn't work, try something else. Just like properties, projects, we pass on a lot until one fits the numbers. Got to know your numbers.
There are also other ways to invest that use less cash. Wholesaling, while difficult and time consuming, can be done with little cash.