Ab-1482 as i understand is bill passed to protect tenants from landlords hiking up rental rates arbitrarily. The bill gives certain guidelines to landlords to abide by. However certain properties are exempt from this bill, which i believe our property is. It’s a single family dwelling built in 2001 and is owned by Myself and my wife. Here is what I’m a little confused by. The bill states that if the property is exempt from this bill, written notice to our tenants explaining this bill needs to be given in writing to the tenants prior to august 1 2020.
My question is…
We never provided written explanation of this bill to our tenants by the date listed above (They have been tenants of ours for 14 years). Does this mean, that our tenants are protected by “rent control bill ab1482”? Is there any way around this at this point? Are they grandfathered into this bill because we did not send them the notice??
Secondly, if a new tenant were to occupy the property and written notice is given to the new tenant at the time of lease, does the property then become exempt from the ab-1482.
Looking to just make sure that we are not hiking up their rent over what we should be and staying on the right side of the law:) thanks for your help!