@Michael Plaks
I feel so attacked by Mr Plaks haha
Additional info: by “we” I meant my wife and I. We have 6 cash flowing properties in our name and running like a German train station. They are quite successful via the cash flow multiples, lease terms, etc. Given my unique-tenants demand for me and my wife as a landlord the opportunity is too good not to move forward with the current requests for addition rental homes.
I bring an MBA, banking background, real estate experience, cash flow and some liquidity, etc. to the table vs my father bringing additional liquidity and capital. I need his capital.
I’m well aware of the horror stories about working with friends and families but I’m also aware of first hand success. The intent is to lay it all out of the table, upfront, and wrap it all up on paper with a nice bow. He knows I am bringing the tremendous opportunity and experience and he knows he is bringing the capital for which I currently need. We have 3 rentals to buy ASAP and 1 more on the docket for early next year; cue the unique situation.
My wife and I can do house #1 by ourselves with the capital we currently have. However, that will limit our ability to do houses 2 and 3. If we do house #1 and skip 2&3, then we could fund house #4 by ourselves. In order to continue to meet the demand and my commitment to my prospective tenants, I would rather have 51% of 4 houses vs. 100% of 2 houses, because there will be more after these initial 4 houses late next year.
Does this help? I'm simply looking for suggestions on the proper legal forms to research prior to meeting with a lawyer. Want to structure all aspects of the agreement between my wife and I (party #1) and my dad (party #2) at 51% us and 49% him. For example, party #1 will be liable for 51% of the debt, receive 51% of cash flow, pay for 51% of repairs etc. Probably most important piece is the decision making piece. My 51% should ensure that all final decisions involving business decisions should be approved by me. We will not have an LLC and will finance in our personal names together, in order to qualify for the type of financing with my current bank that will work for these deal