Hi all,
My name is Kevin, and this is my first post on BP - seems like an awesome forum!
A brief background about me: I live in the Los Angeles area, and I current rent (I found a pretty cheap place that is allowing me to store away some cash). I'm full time employed, and I don't own any property, so I'm just starting out.
I've been poking around on Zillow/Homepath/Trulia, and have found a few places that seem like potential "Buy and Hold" candidates (the numbers check out from a monthly cost to monthly income perspective). So I'd like to get to the next step and begin having conversations with the real estate agents about these properties, and my goal is to purchase one within the next few months. I'm focusing outside of Southern California; so far in the St Louis and Chattanooga TN areas.
The first problem I've encountered is that it seems to be tough to get in touch with these agents - so far I've emailed and have sent follow up emails (I have not called yet). I'm curious if anyone has had this experience and what they have found that works (calling, sending mail, etc). Any feedback on this specific question or any of the above info would be greatly appreciated!