I've been with USREEB for about a year now. I purchased 3 properties, did as much due diligence as I thought I could, and it's been nothing short of a nightmare! The acquisition process was good, Mackaylee was great, but it’s the PM side that has been terrible. I’ve had two evictions in a single year! Can you believe that? Two evictions out of three properties! Out of the three properties, one tenant was miraculously amazing! Unfortunately, they did not renew their lease. Though I lucked out on the first eviction, with it not being a too expensive turnover, the second eviction is going to cost me about $7,000 to get rent-ready. Wow Wow Wow! In a single year! Maybe the PM company is trying their best, but I just feel such an extreme lack of empathy from them. Like, even on days when my houses were tenanted, I would be getting $300 maintenance bills -- to “rework wiring in panel area; retorque all lugs for proper terminations; found several loose connections through electrical wiring”. What?!?! I thought this was supposed to be a turnkey?! Why was that an issue in the first place? I got an $80 bill, just for someone to go in there and verify that the furnace was working. The very same house where the tenants were paying less than half the rent and getting away with it. Another $80 “to reinstall rubber drain cap and tighten back up.” (Perhaps the cost of these issues are normal, they just seemed a little unnecessary in the first place.)
If this was my primary income, I would be out on the street by now! Sure, I get it, the PM company is not responsible for the actions of the tenant, but they are responsible for the screening! They are the ones who chose them! Whatever happened to that promise they made me: ”leasing processes are thorough. We perform criminal, credit and background checks on everyone in the home over age 18. Employment verification is completed and five years of past rental history are verified. We do a home visit to ensure they are a tenant that preserves the value of the owner’s investment property. A quality tenant results in on time rent payment and protection of the owner’s property… [the PM company] provides monthly rent collection and late payments are reported to our property managers to quickly resolve the issue with tenants”. All that is BS! They didn't live up to that promise, and I'm just handing out money to them. I don't know whether to sell my properties or just get a new PM company. It's been heartbreaking. And they take forever to make things rent-ready, which I find annoying, because they always immediately help themselves to any maintenance expenses from my rent money before they disburse it to me, yet it takes them forever to get the ball rolling. And, they cannot start working on my properties until I give THE FULL amount (no installments, no ‘working with me,’ etc), while they are keeping tenants who are paying less than half the rent and continue to answer their beck and call! What kind of sense does that make?? What a nightmare! I'm afraid of next year!
In a year, I was hoping to make approximately $17K (accounting for maintenance and all other expenses, being conservative). Instead, after all of this debacle, my take-home is going to be about $2.5k! That’s literally one month’s rent of all 3 houses occupied with no maintenance. How PATHETIC!