I bought some Tax Sale properties at the County tax sale, in Georgia. The 1yr redemption has expired and I had the foreclosure notice ran in the local paper for 4 weeks as per Official Code Of Georgia, then received the Affidavit from the Publisher. I also had the former known Owner served "Notice" by the County Sheriff's department in which the Owner lives in, I received an Affidavit from that Sheriff's office showing "served & signed for by defendant". I created the Affidavit for myself to show the causes for "service" and complete the foreclosure of the tax sale property.
With everything signed, witnessed & notarized I proceeded to have all paperwork filed (recorded) at County Courthouse where properties are located. They refused to record my "Affidavits" from ALL parties. This is NOT the normal procedure to be refused....anyone out there that can help? There reasoning is that local Sheriff didn't do the service (local can ONLY do local, NOT other counties) and they have NEVER done these "Affidavits" before. Hum, that tells me why they have so many problems in there County with screwed up tax deeds with clouds on the titles.
Which route should I go? They refused to let me speak with a Supervisor and would NOT let me make an appointment to speak with the Clerk of Courts.