@Jonathan Farber create a credibility presentation for the bank/any investor. Think of it as a visual resume.
As part of it, highlight:
Your Team - you, property manager, attorney, accountant, advisory board, etc.
Experience - business and RE if you have it. The less experience you have the more you want to show you are surrounding yourself with people that have it and fill in your gaps. Speak in terms of “We” the collective group. “We have Done X projects like this” “We have raised X capital”. Make sense?
Portfolio - if you have it, show the projects you’ve done and the metrics on their returns. Until you
Business Plan - what are you going to do and why does it make sense? Break it down into simple to understand steps to show a process. Also, why is now the right time to do this?
Example deal - if you haven’t done it before and don’t have a real deal, then show an example deal that represents what you will be doing.