I was having a conversation with my lender about 10K that I've had taken off of a deal.
100% financing VA loan.
She tells me I have 7,000 in closing costs and my $5,000 deposit will be going to thoes cost. The 10K that I was receiving was initially a credit and I decided to take that off the price instead because she made me aware that I do not get the extra money if I have it in the form of credit after closing costs are covered.
Turns out I have 12k not 7k, The 7k is after the 5K had already been deducted. We had spoke about this specifically, Initially suggesting the 10k being split, five and five and ( price and credit) decided it wasn't the course to avoid losing money( (5+5) -7= 3 left over) . Now she's telling me that the bank won't give me the initial 100% blaming 47% Ltd.
This wouldn't have Happened if she told me my closing cost were 12k.
So now I'm spending 7K instead of 3K at closing. Could have effortlessly just been in the loan.
Understand that I could take the blame for listening to her words and not looking at the paperwork myself which is how I found out about the 12. But can this really not be fixed?
Is there something I don't understand about this process? I'm here to learn.