When you are first starting out you need to find other people to learn from. Finding a community like Bigger Pockets is a wealth of information. Finding people you can connect with is just as important.
In order to learn how to evaluate property you need to go look at property. Look at a lot of property so you can evaluate efficiently. I am not a big fan of doing everything on line. You have to get out there and look so you can get a better feel on evaluating property and projects.
Look at what people paid for property and sold it for. When its bought on the MLS there generally are pictures even better if you had looked at it. Then you will be able to see pictures of the change even better if you go look yourself. Remember pictures do not show everything. I have been in a number of properties that the pictures did not resemble the property. Be an expert in your market.
I tend to buy everything on the MLS. I still can find deals there but it takes more work.
Attend any REIA, (Real Estate Investment Associations) meetups and any other meetings in your area. At the REIA's you can find wholesalers, contractors, seasoned investors, money lenders, partners and the like. Just like you conduct due diligence on properties you need to do the same with people/partners etc. Be careful who you work with as noted here on a number of blogs. Due diligence.
Immerse yourself in the business and it will pay you back and, someday you will be helping the next new investor that is looking for help.
Don't worry about sharing properties there are plenty to go around. By helping others you will be seen as a true advocate in the industry.
Have a great 2017.