Hi Aahil,
The answer is it depends. I'll speak in really high level terms but if you can provide more detail I can try to give more detailed thoughts. Basically the biggest difference in co-op vs condo is co-op's in my experience are harder to finance. Condo's are pretty easy and move through the "normal" (such as it is) process. Co-ops don't. You've usually got to work with a local/regional bank who has an understanding of this property type.
The other big difference, though less so, is condo's tend to be more structured with the CC&R's. The co-ops I've looked at have had just a loose agreement written up by the owners, some kind of low/no cash for common areas etc. Don't get me wrong I have seen some horrible condo docs too but just in general the agreements tend to be smaller, less structured on a co-op in my experience.
Last one on this deal is you now have a partner in the building you don't know much about. That shouldn't be a deal killer but I would factor that into the overall risk assessment.
Good luck! I hope this helps.