Warrick, it seems that we are in the similar places or space? You are right, they want $1,000's, and I can't do it, and I have mentor as well, not in the Commercial space but in Residential, here is what I can tell you I don't think that someone that has a expertise in the field, and qualified to mentor, you will stop making money just to teach you for FREE? Why would someone? They platform cost a lot of money to put together, and they have to pay people and then here comes little ole Warrick that wants my time, and someone just called that is willing to give me $10K, for mentoring them!!! Now someone that don't that much they maybe willing to teach you for free, or at no cost, as they say you get what you pay for? Look at it this way, would you rather learn on your own and make most of the costly mistakes to learn that could cost you thousands of dollars, or would you rather give that money to someone to learn and keep from making the mistakes, either way, you have to PAY one way or the other, I would rather take someone with me, to mitigate the cost of learning....Now CPA, I am really interested in them but they do want $10-40K to start, but if they think that I am not going to teach my company associates how to do what I have learn, and carry this for a whole year, if I am splitting my profits over a year, someone in my company will be doing deals for the company for the company, not just CPA, you are smart you will pick this up quickly, if you know someone that has worthy credit, you can do a lot, or start wholesaling and no money is need to do that, I have been offered $250K on the deal I have under contract and if I can't get it financed, I will take the assignment money and run and try to do it again, until I can buy my own apartment complex...Good Luck!