Yes, I will get NOO for this. I also would not want to risk going against the rules. I am bidding for multiple units, so I have not yet decided which one to occupy and which one to keep as investment. 2-3 units is what I planned. I will be occupying one of them for sure as I got to live somewhere. It all depends on me winning the bid first which seems a long shot.
Coming to the expenses,
I need to account fot higher maintainance. Not sure what people spend, do you think 100$ maintainance will cover this.
Legal - is it the attroney fee at the beggining or it is for evictions if that happens. I did not account for it.
CPA - I think I can handle taxes myself with Turbo Tax.
Yes, the rent is a range I am not sure what it would be. $1300-$1350 is the right number now. I just added a worst case and best case scenario.
Overall I am not impressed by SF numbers. Condos have HOA but lower taxes and maintainance. Returns seems to be better on condos in my area.
I am sure there might be other locations where the reverse might be true.