I responded to a craigslist ad about an owner financed property. It turns out the original house I contacted them about was sold, but they offered me a different house. I asked what terms were being considered and without answering my question they automatically went to pre qualifying questions. They are as follows:
Pre-Screening Questions:
1. Are you currently employed? Or do you receive any type of other income (disability, etc.) and how much?
2. Do you make/recieve (income) at least $1,800 to $2,500 a month?
3. Do you have a Down Payment? If so, how much are you able to put down? If you have some cash, but have collateral (vehicle, boat, etc), what collaterals do you own to put towards the Down Payment?
4. What percentage of your monthly income go towards other responsibililties, (bills, child support, etc)?
5. After all responsibilities are paid, what do you have left of your income monthly?
6. Do you have a criminal record? If so, what are they? If it is just misdemeanors, what are they?
7. Are you able to supply the following:
A. Current pay stubs
B. Bank statements (for the last 6 months, and shows all deposits)
C. Last 2 years of tax documents?
8. What monthly price range are looking for in this Owner Finance purchase? Please answer these Pre-Screening questions, and send back to me. Once I review the answers, I will notify you to move on to the next step for Qualification.
After this message I realized I wasn't dealing with a homeowner just trying to sell their house, It's more of a company with systems in place.
Anyway, are those questions normal and should I proceed?