I am sales agent who owns a property management LLC to manage my own property in TX. Now I want to expand the business and start managing others. I know if I don't have a broker partnered in my own LLC then I would need to conduct the business under my sponsored broker.
If I decided to conduct my property management business under my sponsored broker, i have the following questions and need some helps,
1, can I still use my own property management llc to advertise or operate the business? if so, do I need to transfer my sales agent license to the LLC? The llc current has no license as it was built to manage my own property.
2, In the TAR residential lease and property management agreement, my broker will be mentioned in the agreement, but can my property management llc sign as broker associate ? or does it have to be myself only?
3, can I use my property management llc to sign a lease with the tenant?
4, any recommendations on the RE attorney who could help me sort this out? In Dallas fort worth area.
Thank you