My daughter is currently residing in my upstairs unit, along with a roommate. The roommate has a scheduled surgery for a dislocated shoulder, I was told the boyfriend pushed the roommate out of a moving vehicle. I told the roommate that the boyfriend could not be on the premises. My daughter went out of town and her roommate immediately had the boyfriend over. I warned that if this man is let into the building again, that will be the end of the rental agreement. The other evening, I came home and heard the boyfriend beating up the roommate. I went upstairs and broke it up. I offered to call police to press charges, roommate declined. I escorted the boyfriend out and told him I would call the police if I see him on the property again. The next morning, I put a 30 day notice under the door. Tonight, the boyfriend came over again and I wouldn't let him in the building, so the roommate left with him, carrying an overnight bag. My daughter is coming home in a few days, I don't want this man in this building when she gets back, he is a very scary looking guy. I fear for the roommates life, but unless the roommate presses charges, there is not much I can do. I am assuming this is not considered a domestic violence issue that would prevent me from serving an eviction notice, because the man does not live here, and the only reason there is violence is because he is being let in. My question is, do I need to adhere to 30 days, if the roommate continues to allow this violent man in the building, putting everyone in the building in danger? If the boyfriend is let in again, can I have him removed for trespassing even if the roommate willingly lets him up in the apartment, or would I have to wait until he's literally in the process of beating the roommate, who would surely decline to press charges?