@Mike D'Arrigo that is my concern as well. The inspector said the area has had a lot of rain lately, and so basically every basement of this age of house would have some moisture. And that many homes he sees right now have standing water due to the rain recently. He said the typical method in the 1950s was to use tar on the outside of the blocks to seal them. And by this point the tar has dried and cracked, letting water in. The interior sealants don't do much of anything so the only long term remedy would be to dig out and re-seal, which of course would cost a lot and neither the turnkey company nor I would be willing to do that.
The "turnkey" company has said they will extend the gutters away from the home and bring in some dirt to help slope the ground away from the house.
While this house may be very good for the area, for the age, for the price, I'm not sure it's the right investment for me. I am buying out of state, so I can buy anywhere.