@Tom S. the meeting with my lawyer went well. We reviewed the options that we have on the table. I tried to explain to this tenant that we issue a 14 day notice to pay rent or vacate to protect our business incase a tenant continues not to pay rent. I tried to explain that if she paid within those 14 days that nothing would happen.
Even with my attempts at explaining the process of giving notices, she has sent me in depth text messages about how I am bullying her because she has two kids and no where to live. She continues to say she knows her rights as a tenant because it is not her first rodeo.
Essentially I am going to give her a 60 day notice to vacate due to the expiration of her lease. She will have to be out of the apartment December 1. If she is late paying rent after 5 days I will give her another 14 day notice to pay rent or vacate. If she doesn't pay rent within those 14 days (hopefully she will leave) but if she doesn't leave, I will either file for an eviction or offer her $500 to leave plus her security deposit back instead of using it for back rent. I am not sure she will go for the money or not. Either way winter is coming, and it will be harder to rent the apartment in December, so the faster we get her out the better for our business.