They are probably worried about not having the info, if the smaller $600 level passes, as nearly everyone they process would go over. The old rules required 200 payments AND a $$ amount, so didn't apply to most small companies.
If they process pmts and don't have your tax info, they can get some hefty fines, for each missing tax id. Same reason companies verify ssn/name/bdate quickly for new hires (but there, they can just keep asking you for the info, until you quit or the year ends, and the fines are much smaller).
edit to add: for those who don't want to enter the info, just go back go cash or mailed in money orders that you take to a cash advance place to turn into cash. Don't put it into your bank acct (hmmm... legal issue here, the state REQUIRES a bank acct for security deposits ... so, maybe check with your attorney first).
Anyplace that processes pmts will have to report and every bank acct will do so, as well (two extra numbers on the 1099 you already get that shows interest/dividends).
Maybe you can get around with cash apps - of course, most of those forbid commercial pmts, such as rent (and Zelle doesn't work with my business acct at all, only with personal accts .... which gets back to the bank will report it anyway) -- if you get caught, expect to get dunned for business charges (my Paypal is business, so I don't worry about using it and have trained tenants on how to use it if they don't want fees added to their rent pmts).