:cry: I have a house that is in foreclosure right now. Screw the banks, why should they have my property when they made their money already. Resently I've been learning how to clear all of my debts including my mortgage by becoming a secured party creditor. Becoming a secure party creditor is taking your identily back from the government. Getting your Social Security Number back from the Government so they don't borrow money off of your number anymore. Now some might say there is no such thing, but I've done my research on this and it seems that they are right. I can't give out any websites, because I'm new to the forum, but I'm going to keep posting more information about this process so people get the knowledge. Knowledge is power.
Read part of this article below. This is happening all over the country right now. So you better get your property free and clear while you can, before your government changing the rules in their favor. You can get the rest on the New York Times Website.
If Lenders Say ‘The Dog Ate Your Mortgage’ By GRETCHEN MORGENSON
So as you can see, people are waking up to the fraud that the banks have been doing to the american people. I'm new to this site, but I'm trying to get the word out to every homeowner I know. :lol: :lol: