Update to Prop 19 From Howard Jarvis Group. Please read and help if possible...
The Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association sent out this news
release today following the defeat of SCA 4 in the Senate
Governance and Finance Committee. If you are interested in
volunteering to help collect signatures to get the "Repeal the
Death Tax" initiative on the ballot, please visit
www.RepealTheDeathTax.com ... sign up to volunteer.
We'll be filing the initiative soon, and signature collection will
begin when the measure is approved for circulation, which
takes about two months. Thank you!
For immediate release
May 10, 2023
HJTA announces initiative to “Repeal the Death Tax”
reassessment to market value.
The Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association, California’s
leading taxpayer advocacy group, will go forward with an
initiative to restore the right of parents to transfer their home
and limited other property to their children without
The announcement follows the 3-4 vote in the Senate
Governance and Finance Committee Wednesday to defeat
Senate Constitutional Amendment 4, authored by Sen. Kelly
Seyarto, R-Murrieta, which aimed to reverse the provisions
in Proposition 19 regarding intergenerational transfers of
family property. Under Prop. 19, which passed narrowly in
November 2020, property is now reassessed to market
value upon transfer between parents and children, with
limited exceptions.