Hey everyone, I'm just getting started looking for a multi-family home in areas I would prefer to live in and be owner occupied: Dallas, Houston, San Antonio, Austin, etc. I've actually not set any filters and have just been trying to find certain properties with cap rates > 6% under $800,000 nationwide (just to evaluate my ability to find/audit a given deal). Over the last week, I've looked at over 1,000 properties. Around 3% of those actually passed the 1% rule, but it was because they are mostly in developing areas which have a lot of associated crime/break ins. When following the 1% rule, a lot of properties fall within 0.5% of that and are very cash flow negative when plugging into the calculator. I've tried "configuring" the deals in a variety of ways, 40% down, less interest, significantly lower listing price, but a lot of the numbers just don't align for it to be cash flow positive.
I'm going to keep looking, but wanted to make sure there wasn't something I was overlooking or glaring. Is this because we are predominantly in a sellers market?