I recently purchased my first real estate rental property in SNJ! The property belonged to my father and he bought a new house and was going to sell this house. He's owned this house for over 20 years and has kept it in good condition. I bought the house from him at MV (he listed it at 205K in 2013 and it didn't sell, i bought it for 190K) or maybe a very slight discount. I helped him find a tenant in Feb 2015 and have a lease with that tenant, my dad as landlord, and myself as manager.
Question 1 -
Now that this property is owned by my wife, do i need to work up a new lease with the tenant or is the old lease with my father okay?
Question 2 -
What is the proper way to transfer the security deposit to a new account?
Question 3 -
The insurance cost for this property as a primary residence for my dad was $550/yr, the landlord quote I got is 845/yr, is that too much of an increase or okay? Should I shop around more?
Question 4 -
Is this a good deal?
Note, i bout this house mainly b/c my Dad has owned it for 20 years and I know its in good condition. We put 25% down ($48K).
Rent @ 1750/mo
PIT - (1234.43)
10% Vacancy - (175)
10% Maint. - (175)
Cash Flow = $165/mo