@Nathan Smith first would say its a great start already. Most people at your age do not have investment on their mind.
Having said above. I am a strong believer of education. I would always suggest to take education in an industry that interests you.
Can explain wy I say so: Life depending on how you see it, Its too long or too short. More over its more about an "infinite game", it does not end in an year or two, decade or two. Neither it has any set rules for an end. Thus your definition of " lot of money" could be 1M today and 1B tomorrow, my definition could be 1M and for some unfortunate it could be 10K. It really depends. Highly suggest to quantify your success, so you can measure it. When downturn hits you in an infinite game this number you have defined and the College education you would have acquired will play the role of torch and show your the path forward.
Hope this helps. Wish you all the success and Good Luck!