Seeking quick guidance:
I've had a good tenant for a year, who brings in an old friend to be a roommate. Given the history of the good tenant, I start a new lease with both individuals signing the lease, valid February 2016 to February 2017.
Enter tenant to tenant dispute and I would love advice. This is in Florida, In three hours from boarding a plane across to the Southwest U.S. (great timing).
Tenant 1 (longer-term tenant), complains of difficulties, verbal arguments, and wants the newer Tenant 2to leave (I found out today, Tenant 2 verbally agreed to pay Tenant 1 a portion of the rent payment with Tenant 1 paying the full amount to me). Tenant 1 leaves an "eviction notice" telling Tenant 2 to leave at the end of the month. They don't have a formal arrangement and together they are not in violation with the lease (paying on-time etc). Thus this is an invalid document, which Tenant 2 gives to attorney, who reaches out to me, letting me know this is invalid.
That's where we are: two tenants, whom are having significant arguments and difficulties, but at this point at valid on the lease.
1) What should I do?
2) What should I let Tenant 1 know? I presume, at least let her know she might want to get an attorney as well, since Tenant 2 has brought one in?
3) How else to resolve this scenario.
I spoke with both tenants on the phone. Both have great animosity towards each other. My gut (which only means so much), tells me that tenant 2 is looking for a free ride and will do everything to not leave the property. That leaves Tenant 1 with the dilemma to leave and violate the lease (at least for her). It doesn't seem like both tenants staying will be a solution!
Hopefully I can get some advice, but for two weeks I'm supposed to be hiking National Parks of the Southwest!!! Thank you all!