Hi all, thanks for the welcoming and advice!
@Ryan Luby Yes, I read Mr. Money Mustache. That's actually the first blog I found regarding FI and led me to find many other interesting blogs about FI and how to achieve it. It's what made me think about going down this path. He also made me realize the money issue that you mentioned. I've always been good about trying to save money but I would also spend it on things that I probably didn't need so I am trying to be better about not spending money and finding ways to save. Also, I think I'm definitely going the route of a multi-family house hack. I was trying to figure out if that was the way to go or if I should try a live-and-flip but I think I've decided that would be the better option.
@Tarren Pettigrew Good point, I may start looking for someone that could help me out. Any tips on how to go about doing this other than looking on BP?
@Steve Bracero Any advice based on your house hacking experience?