I was noticing there have been updates to the Tacoma Municipal Code 1.95 which covers Rental housing.
I found this article explaining much of it (https://www.wmfha.org/news/details-about-tacomas-n...) , but I am still unclear on how some parts are to be executed.
The first three items they mention aren't figured out yet so no one knows how to deal with them yet. The fourth item allows tenants to pay deposits in installments over 3 months. I'm assuming equal payments monthly? There isn't really any reason I can think I'd even want to deal with weekly payments to cover the deposit.
There is also a 60-day notice to vacate for no-clause termination of tenancy and a 60-day notice requirement for rent increases.
In the past I've sent a notice to the tenants 1 month in advance laying out their options to renew the lease or terminate the lease and move out. With the new 60-days notice requirement do I need to send them the notice 60days ahead of the lease end or do I need to receive it back from them 60 days before the lease end?