Very good info here on TIC.. I have a couple additional questions in regard to this topic.
Background: LLC1 and LLC2 hold a property as TIC with the intent to Flip it. This allows the two LLC's to pool money without forming a separate entity.
Question 1: Does the intent to "flip" run the risk of being seen in the eyes of 2002-22 as conducting a business?
"Where the parties to a venture join together capital or services with the intent of conducting a business or enterprise and of sharing the profits and losses from the venture, a partnership (or other business entity) is created. Bussing, 88 T.C. at 460."
Question 2: Are LLC1 and LLC2 unable to advertise the property for sale within their own separate marketing structures (ex. LLC1 and LLC2 both market the property separately), or is this only pertaining to some entity that may appear to be formed under the TIC?
"The co-ownership may not [...] conduct business under a common name, execute an agreement identifying any or all of the co-owners as partners, shareholders, or members of a business entity, or otherwise hold itself out as a partnership or other form of business entity (nor may the co-owners hold themselves out as partners, shareholders, or members of a business entity).
Hoping to use TIC as a legal way to pool funds without getting into the web of SEC regulations and attempt to keep tax reporting clean.
Thanks in advance for any guidance!