My family owns a house in a " hot" part of Austin TX. My mother lives there part time, i live there full time. When my mother is away for extended periods of time I rent out a room to a lodger on a month to month basis. 30 days notice from either party, no reason needed. I have a six page lodger agreement, do everything by the book. Every lodger has the same rules.
I had a lodger ( from hell) from late January to late March who was just not working out. I sent her emails about house rules that she had agreed to in writing, and now was not up holding ( no visitors, but she had daily people who would pop by out of the blue). I emailed and texted her on many occasions and asked her to stop. Finally I served her a thirty day notice, she went nuts. She gave me her own thirty day notice the day after and was really abusive and combative. She even refused to accept the deposit refund I mailed to her. It came back to me. Since then I've had nothing to do with her and went on with my life.
Two days ago I get a letter from HUD that she claimed I evicted her because she has epilepsy and is bisexual, and I violated the fair housing act. Neither of those conditions were ever known to me. First I'm ever hearing about her private medical info or sexual preferences. As a bonus, since my parents own this house, she dragged them into it too. I put together my paperwork, lodger agreement, copies of emails and texts... All of that. What can I do to make sure she doesn't pop up again in another few months with another bogus claim? I never treated her with anything but professional curtesy. Now I'm mad and ready to take the gloves off.