I did a direct mail campaign of about 2,500 post cards to buy property in the Maryland area. It seems like the USPS is refusing to deliver the post cards to the Baltimore City area. I was expecting to get some back stating vacant but instead I am getting UTF or Unable To Forward. I then take a few random sample of the 1,100 (almost half so far) that were returned and I check the property tax website to confirm the address matches what is on the tax website and to make sure the taxes are being paid. When I verify everything checks out meaning the address on my post cards are correct and the taxes are current. I would expect some back with the understanding that there are a lot of vacant properties in Baltimore but I wouldn’t expect half back. I am going on my forth mailing and it seems that I am getting calls from some sellers who appear to be getting the post cards for the first time even though I am mailing to the exact same list. Anyone else seem to have this problem?