@Eduardo C.
Good to see you're putting together a business plan. I completed a few of them and I am working on one now (about 30 pages+ and it's actually a marketing plan). I would for sure add some research to why you're going to be executing some of the initiatives in your plan. For example, research supporting why you're focusing on homes in the price range of $100K-180K, why you plan to market your properties through Craigslist, etc. because someone other than yourself may be looking at your plan at some point and they need to know the method to the madness.
Good points to research are:
- How fast are homes selling in your target price range
- What is the median income of the local population
- What is the median family size of each household
- Where are the best neighborhoods located; best schools
- Marketing: how are you going to convert leads into sales? What will be your process?
- Priority of funding sources: dip into savings over a 401k? Or vice versa? No money down possibilities
- Identify title companies in your area and what they can provide; prioritize
- Identify contractors, agents, lawyers (talk to them personally and find out what they're about); identify reputation
- Financials: is your business going to establish it's own credit and ways to find funding without your personal funds? Research ways to obtain business funding
This is time consuming but it's worth it and important. As a matter of fact, I think for this business, a marketing plan is more appropriate since REI focuses heavily on marketing. The bottom line is know your local area and understand it. To do that, you may have to do some valid and valuable research and add it to your plan to back up everything you're saying you're going to to.