Mother-in-law decided to let us be part owns of her SFH in SE Portland, OR. We currently doing a "live-in-flip". This is our first real estate investment. Depending on where the market is in 2-3 year, We will decide to sell or rent. I'm thinking we'll have to rent. Which is fine because if we rent we'll cash flow pretty nicely. Especially since it's Portland, where cash flow is very hard to find. If we sell we could make $200k profit but it's hard to analysis actual profit since "carrying cost" is going to be over 3 years and we'll be living there.
I have full time mechanical engineering career that lets us save some money every month. I also still have student loans, which should be paid off by the time we’re doing with the remodel. So after the remodel we’ll have a good amount of equity in the house and we won’t have student loan payments anymore, freeing up a lot of money for us. Also in 2-3 year the market may be turning and hopefully we can pick up our second real estate investment at a discount.
This is how I’m starting my real estate investing.