Are you familiar with Unsecured Business Lines of Credit? These can be used to acheive the same general concept as you were explaining, but there are a few major differences in the product. Unsecured lines are bank issued, business lines of credit that are not secured or collateralized by any property or business. They only have a personal guarantee, but banks require full income and asset disclosure to qualify for them. They are given to self-employed borrowers with scores over 680 , and must have a clean history. Now, here are the major differences; they are not a factor in your loan to value ratio, as well as, they are not calculated in your monthly expendes, which is huge! Oh yeah, the best part is... I do them Stated income / Stated asset!!! You do not have to show any income or assets to qualify, and I can provide lines up to $300,000. I could go on, but if you can call me, I can explain much easier and more accurately. My typing skills are not the most efficient means of communication. I look forward to hearing from you, and/ or anyone else who is interested in learning about this amazing investor's tool.