If you are not willing to risk it all, you don't want it bad enough!
I spent the last 2 years working in the trucking industry selling class 8 heavy equipment semis! Going into the industry, I knew absolutely NOTHING about trucks! By surrounding myself with amazing people in the industry, I quickly gained confidence and became successful. I made so many incredible connections with truly spectacular people and I will forever cherish those relationships.
Even finding success and happiness... I felt like something was missing...
I had a choice to make! I could continue striving within the trucking industry or, risk it all, and start completely over again in Real Estate.
In May of this year, I resigned from my position with Vanguard Truck Centers in Forest Park, GA and relocated to Nashville, TN. I spent the summer studying real estate and exploring my new city. While deciding which direction to take within Real Estate, I quickly turned all of my focus to investments.
📣 Eager to make connections and help investors risk it all to make their dreams come true, just as I have done.
If you’ve been interested in investment real estate and aren’t sure how to get started, please reach out. I am here to assist you in getting deals that meet your needs. Can't wait to see you succeed!
Jacqulyn Morton