Maybe I am missing it here, but I don't see anyone pointing any fingers or labeling anyone as a liberal or another other party affiliation in this thread.
I too am curious as to the signs pointing to a recovery. I read these forums every day and I can't think of any compelling evidence that anyone has posted towards an economic recovery (maybe I missed that too). Perhaps as an asset manager, I am jaded to an economic recovery as a whole. After all, I deal with hundreds of people every day who can't afford their mortgages and who are going out of business. They seem to think things are getting worse, not better. And these are small business owners all across the country, not just an isolated demographic cross section.
Where is the evidence pointing to a recovery? It certainly isn't found in real estate sales. October numbers are the lowest in 15 years. It can't be in the unemployment numbers. The news agencies report unemployment claims as the barometer for unemployment. You and I both know that this number is misleading. People are running out of unemployment benefits and are unable to make claims any longer. It can't be that many of the companies who's earnings we look to as an economic indicator are doing well... They're not (Cisco, GE, etc?). Maybe its the quantitative easing, QE2? What about the conflict at the Korean peninsula? Tomorrow is a very big day for us if you ask me...