I actually do help people to sell their properties, but thank you for telling me what my job entails. I get them in touch with real estate agents, and allow them to complete a short sale. Without allowing them to do a short sale, they will NEVER sell the property because they owe more than what it is worth. So if you ask me, that is quite a lot of help.
I will also be happy to speak with any attorney and tell them directly that they cannot change anything that I can or will do for a customer. I genuinely do the best I can for everyone, and am tied down by the guidelines of the investors who purchased our loans. So a lawyer does nothing but hamper communication with the customer and make the process take longer. No matter what a lawyer says, if my investors will not allow me to bring a loan down below a certain interest rate, I cannot do it.
As far as never having a customer pay a contribution, good for you, but my bank does not allow that in most situations. If we are going to forgive a customer of 100k in debt, they can and should contribute something towards their obligation.
And I'd love to know how it is misleading to say that I don't charge fees when in fact, I don't? I'm being paid by the bank, not by the customer. Regardless of whether you want to believe that I charge a fee or not, a customer is only paying additional monies to use a lawyer and it isn't necessary. Most people don't realize that it is something that they can do on their own, and people like to perpetuate the fear that they must have a lawyer or they will get screwed. Totally false.