Thank you for your advice. Here's some more info:
We bought our current home when I was working as a programmer and earning ~$52k / year of verifiable income. I've since left that profession because I wasn't allowed any spare time and it was killing my marriage and home-life. My opinions on American life and working 9 to 5 (or in programmers' cases, 9-9) are probably radical in a place like this. Basically, I feel that working for some else with the "promise" of being taken care of is essentially a lie. I have no faith in the wealthy of this nation to treat me fairly for the work I provide. I'm purely independent now, working as a landscaper and selling plants (starting a nursery business). This is really hard with a 55x120 ' city lot with a 1400 sf house on it. So, we want to take the equity in our home and put a lot of it into a cheaper property, giving us a smaller mortgage. The plan is to live with much less debt, not more.
With more land, we'll be able to make more off of our plants and expand our business to give us the income we need, meanwhile lowering our monthly expenses.
Selling our home will not be a problem. The area market has seen a slowing-down since last year, but things are still selling and our figure of $265 is lower than what we would have sold for last fall. We might even go as low as $250, which is a bargain for this area, to get a quick sale.
All Cash: I appreciate your advice. It is, without a doubt, great advice. However, we're weird people in a weird situation with weird goals. If we were to sell our house first, where would we live afterwards with our pets? Tens of thousands of dollars would be poured down the drain into a rental, I would have to go back to working 60+ hours a week and thus toss away any hope of gaining independence. During that time, the property we really want would probably be sold and we'd be back to searching for a suitable property. Until we find a new place, a lot of the money from the sale of our house would be pissed away on rent and other expenses, requiring us to borrow more for the property we find, bringing us right back to the situation we are currently in. Obviously, refinancing first and all that would have it's own expenses, but at least we'd end up with the property we want. In the end, we'll only do it if it fits our bottom line.
I brought up the idea of refinancing our current home just as a temporary solution to buy the property we want, with the intention of selling our current home ASAP after closing on the new property.
In a nutshell: We need a smaller house with more land and a smaller mortgage payment than we've got now. We'll be buying it with about 60% down.
I know some of you will see my comments about working for corporate America as an afront to your own ideology. Although you may feel my opinions are counter-productive, I ask you not to debate about the virtues of capitalism. Let's start that discussion in another forum. :wink:
Wesley: Thanks for your input. We'll be leaving most of the furniture in our current house so we don't have to move it, and so the place looks furnished when people see it.
Thanks again for your advice, guys! Keep it coming!