@Michael Stoyanov, @Shawn McCormick mentioned the key part to this market. Theming the property. This is a MUST. You have to stand out from the crowd. Clearly the demand is there. So if your property stands out and stays at the top of the market, the cash flow will be hard to beat. When it comes to theming I don't mean going to Rooms To Go and buying their star wars and princess beds. You have to go all in. I own a custom theming company that has themed most of the homes in the area and a property management company that manages them. The difference in returns I see is from custom theming vs amateur theming is night and day.
The proven way to win in this market is the following. Purchase a 6+ 2 story home in a resort community. Go all in on the theming (100,000+ budget, we can finance this for you if needed), and use smart pricing tools. I have done this time and time again for my clients for years. The continued success has lead me to creating my own real estate fund for this. It works.
Shawn also mentioned the most important market mover, Epic Universe. It truly is hard to estimate how big of an effect this will have on the market. We are sitting on a gold mine here and no one is talking about it. If you don't know much about it, I would google it and watch the video they just released.