@Erik Perotti Sounds like your thought process is spot on! A property such as that could be a good way to get your feet wet, and you'd learn from the process for sure....very valuable experience.
If it's helpful, it's worth noting that many commercial lenders, when underwriting for investment properties, will account for around 30% of your gross monthly rental income to go towards maintenance, vacancy, repairs, etc.....costs above and beyond the Principal, Interest, Taxes, Insurance, HOA. I try to use a number around that 30% when analyzing a property that I'm about to buy (even if it's a Single Family Home), because I know that if I'm holding it long term, I'll experience those costs eventually.
Personally I think that your ideas are right on the mark....keep looking, keep analyzing. Talk to banks and see what they'll lend on and what costs they account for. You'll find something great, even if it's not in Bend!