If I had know what I know now at your age, I'd be retired already.
Your advantage is your youth:
You have the time/energy to do a "second job" in real estate.
You have no wife/kids (assumption there) to support, so you can live like a hermit for a few years, house hack, and rack up some serious starter capital.
- plus you can move every year and get low FHA owner-occupied loans
You have a good paying job as an engineer, which will help you build your credit score and also make loans easier, negating the need for "alternative" financing to get started.
you have time. The power of compounding applies in real-estate also, you can leverage time to acquire more and better properties, while still working your "real" job at a rate you can handle.
unless you fall suspect to "lifestyle inflation", your investment capital from work should increase quickly since as a young professional, you should see regular raises early in your career. Don't spend it, invest it!
you can also hedge your bets by maxing your employer 401k match and max your roth now, giving you options later on, because you never know.
Your penalty for failure is less., if worst case happens, and you crash and burn, at your age, overcoming a bankruptcy or having to walk away from a property, you can rebuild your financial picture well before it's a more significant part of your daily life when you are older, and might need to leverage credit for the bevy of financial demands that come later in life. when you do have kids, a house in the burbs, 3 cars, and college payments....etc.
Your lack of experience is the same as anyone else getting started, like me, twice your age. Now that I have a few years in, I "get it", you just can't learn it all sitting on the sidelines.
Good luck