For me, the permitting process with Delta went well. But after permitting, there have been many delays. Here's my overall timeline:
- July 2021 - Signed contract
- Aug 2021 - Delta submitted permits
- Oct 2021 - Permits approved
- March 2022 - Slab completed. Property expected to be completed 6 months later in September.
- May 2022 - Concrete block delivered. Expecting to go vertical the next week.
- Sep 2022 - Just starting to go vertical with the concrete block walls.
So basically from March-Sep, there was almost no progress made, when it was expected to have it completed within that 6 month timeframe.
Sep 28th - Hurricane hit. Walls were not far enough along to be stabilized, so the wind knocked them down.
Nov 21st - New block not delivered yet. Owner expects it any day now, and says things will go quickly, framing done in the next 2-3 weeks, and expects it to be completely done by March 2023.
Delta's pricing is very attractive. I've walked their properties in-person, and their build quality is good. I flew out and met their owner Ron, sales guy Eric, and some more of their office staff. I got along well with them.
Some reasons for delay are valid, and I've tried to be patient. Once my property is complete, I think I'll be in a great equity position. I've referred many people to Delta in the past. But unfortunately at the moment I cannot recommend them until I see some real progress on my property.
Feel free to message me separately. In particular, you might be interested to @mention me or PM me in a few weeks to get an update on my build progress. If I see progress soon I'd be more inclined to recommend them.