In closing, thank you everyone so far for replying to my initial panicked first thread post on this topic. I can now say I completely understand what it's liked to be dazzled into the promises and "thinking like an investor" by these gurus and throwing down $15,000 or even the $41,000 mentioned in the link from my first post because they make it seem so easy to have a couple wholesale deals and make your $ back (their words). I thought of myself as a pretty logical person... Thank God this didn't end up worse for me. I ended up having my credit card company reverse my initial $3,000 investment so I'm in the clear now.
The solution was this website and finding HOPE in the materials and community support. Funny, the company I'll now mention, Success Path, never mentioned this website at all, only their costly "educational" mentors who I'm sad to say don't seem to be very good at communicating in a timely manner.
It looks like this company (which is also called Advanced Real Estate Education among many other names... depending on area) actually does have some solid advice and from everything I've experienced so far (given, it's not much). Probably the reason I invested 15k was because it seemed like a sincere investment after all the information I was given. In other words, it was 90% information and only 10% upsell.
I want to add, as odd as it may seem to you reading this, that our speaker for the $2,000 3-day workshop was indeed worth the price of admission in my opinion. His specific instructions and formulas seemed spot on and his insight into running multiple LLC's, etc were really good to know. He knew about tax "loopholes" and how to loan $ to yourself without paying as much taxes, knew about contracts, tons of stuff. I have to admit, this guys knowledge and charisma was inspiring.
My head hurts thinking about how this company, or whoever they really are, and why they would be so helpful with their first upsell and so greedy at the same time for the next. I don't know how much of their personalities were real now, maybe they were just THAT good at screwing people out of their hard earned $ and justify it by giving them valuable information so they can sleep at night It's rather peculiar. Comparing my story to others like the Rich Dad Poor Dad fiasco, it just seems like this company (who practically follows the EXACT same formula by the way) has just gotten better with being less sales-pitchy and offering better information as bait. I'm not really sure... but with the formula being the EXACT same as all the other scams, how legit could they really be?
It was a learning experience, and now I'm here to learn more...